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4 October 2023
Vienna, Austria


is the exclusive opportunity for food and drink buyers to meet suppliers and producers in Vienna and to get a taste of Austria!

The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber organises the international B2B event for Austrian food producers, retailers and wholesalers.

It is a fantastic opportunity for you to source new products, meet suppliers and exchange ideas with decision makers from around the world.
You will travel to Vienna for B2B meetings with Austrian food and beverage producers, visit companies, tour their production facilities, and enjoy a informative lectures about Austria's food industry.

The event is open to food and beverage buyers and experts from retail and wholesale worldwide. Places are limited, so register now! For those who cannot travel to Vienna, we offer online meetings.

We look forward to meeting you in Vienna, the culinary capital of the world!

For Austrian food producers:
Only products made in Austria may be presented.

Registration fee:
- EUR 550 for members of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber 
- EUR 275 for Austrian StartUps (companies not older than five years)
- EUR 1100 for non-members

Event Date
4 October 2023
8:00 - 9:00
9:00 - 10:00
10:00 - 18:00
B2B Meetings: You can arrange B2B meetings with the companies of your choice (on a first come, first served basis) until 1 October
19:30 - 22:00
Networking Dinner
Conference languageEnglish

12 April -  15 Sept    
Registration and submission of the company profile
1 May - 1 Oct Participants select B2B Meetings
3 October
You will receive your personalized meeting schedule


For more information please contact Ms Michaela Günther
T +43 (0)5 90 900-5132
E aussenwirtschaft.consumergoods@wko.at


Supported by

Closed since 29 September 2023
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
1040 Vienna, Austria
Organised by
Participants 272
Meetings 1343
Austria 101
Canada 12
Chile 9
Viet Nam 8
China (Hong Kong) 8
China 7
Taiwan 7
Thailand 7
Malaysia 7
South Korea 6
Nigeria 6
Hungary 6
Serbia 6
Colombia 6
Jordan 6
United States 5
Romania 5
Brazil 5
India 4
Australia 4
Qatar 4
Bulgaria 4
Ghana 2
Morocco 2
Japan 2
North Macedonia 2
Croatia 2
Lebanon 2
Slovenia 2
United Arab Emirates 2
Senegal 2
Germany 2
Poland 2
Peru 1
Latvia 1
Macau 1
Greece 1
Netherlands 1
Israel 1
Belgium 1
United Kingdom 1
Kuwait 1
Palestine 1
Sweden 1
Kenya 1
Spain 1
Kosovo 1
Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The 1
Côte d'Ivoire 1
Ireland 1
Azerbaijan 1
Total 273
Wholesaler 115
Producer 93
Retailer 35
Consultants 23
Catering 6
Total 272
Profile views
Before event 29755
After event 1750
Total 31505